# Basic Operation

# Expanding Study List

Study List has tree structure of Study > Series > Instance.
Clicking button in Study List, tree expands and Series List is displayed.
Also, Clicking button in Series List, Instance List is displayed.

# Viewing Image

# 1) Viewing 1 Study only

  1. Double click List of the intended Study.
  2. Viewer page opens and the Study image is displayed.

# 2) Viewing multiple Studies

  1. Click checkboxes of the intended Studies.
  2. Click Viewer in Toolbar.
  3. Viewer page opens and the images of multiple Studies are displayed.

# 3) Viewing specific Series/Instance only

  1. In Study List, expand Study that includes the intended item (Series/Instance).
  2. Click checkbox of the intended item (Series/Instance).
  3. Click Viewer in Toolbar.
  4. Viewer page opens and Series/Instance is displayed.

# Displaying specific patient’s Study only

Studies with the same Patient ID can only be displayed.

  1. Click Patient ID in Study List.
  2. Study List is filtered by Patient ID.


This feature can be switched ON/OFF in: User Settings > List > General > Study List > Link

# Sorting Study List

Sort order of Study List can be rearranged.

  1. In column header of Study List, click on the item to specify the sorting criteria.
  2. Icon or is displayed next to the item.
    • If the icon is , Study List is arranged in ascending order of the specified item.
    • If the icon is , Study List is arranged in descending order of the specified item.
  3. To reverse ascending and descending, click the same item again.


You can set the item for the sorting criteria, and a default value of ascending/descending in: User Settings > List > General > Study List > Sort Order